Our Life in Common
Our Order is a Christian brotherhood in which, by venerating Mary as Mother, following the example of Saint Peter Nolasco and in imitation of the first Christian community, in which all was held in common, we, the Mercedarians, wish to realize the great desire of Jesus: “Father, let them be one, as we are one”.
The same communal life, sustained by a deep human love vivified by the Holy Spirit, is the place of the presence of God, according to his word: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in their midst”. This life, furthermore, manifests the coming of Christ and strengthens the very consecration by creating a climate more favorable for the observance of the vows.

In professing the Rule of Saint Augustine and in seeking the perfection of love which the fourth vow requires, we cultivate a union of heart, spirit, and goods; by creating a climate of friendship and mutual affection, we share what we have and use it for our redemptive mission.
By living in common the experience of faith and prayer which we express in our particular lifestyle, we ought to bear each others’ burdens, accept and love one another with our similarities and differences, and be always ready to pardon each other’s offenses.