Mercedarian Prayer
Each Mercedarian community establishes the time and manner of mental prayer and of the other community devotion and submits all to the approval of the Provincial. The Superior, as the spiritual promoter of the community, takes care of their daily fulfillment as well as the celebrations set forth in the ritual for the feasts of the Order. Below are some of the prayers that we, as Mercedarians pray in our community each and every day.
As Mercedarians, we:
Celebrate or participate in the Eucharistic liturgy daily;
Adore the Lord in the Blessed Sacrament with a weekly Holy Hour;
Recite the Liturgy of the Hours, especially Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer, in common;
Pray five decades of the rosary daily, in common;
Make a visit to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament daily;'
Spend time in mental prayer each day;
and, pray for the needs of the Order and the community with particular communal devotions.